Excel Tools
You cannot perform regular tasks efficiently?
We have the solution!
Regular planning, reporting and analysis tasks often present significant challenges and existing systems and tools do not really help. This result is time-consuming and inefficient work and minimal ability for value-added analysis.
With our Excel- and Power Query-based tools, such tasks can be performed with ease. Combined with flexible functionality and customised outputs, they enable you to complete tasks more effectively. Our tools already provide these great benefits to clients in many industries and business processes. Why not let us help you?

Regular planning, reporting and analysis tasks often present significant challenges.
Existing systems and tools do not really help!
- Existing systems and tools do not offer suitable functionality
- Required data can be distributed across different systems
- Standard reports are not suitable and cannot be amended
- KPIs are not available or as desired
- Only “actual” data is available, no plan data
- Data is static - no analysis or scenarios possible
- Outputs are often not user-friendly
New software can be expensive and time-consuming to implement.
⇒ Again and again, manual processing is time-consuming and inefficient
⇒ Outputs often provide minimal ability for value-added analysis

A professionally developed Excel tool can be the solution!
Development and implementation are fast
- No new software! Users already have and know Excel
- Excel’s power and flexibility enable fast development
- Most IT systems can export data in Excel format for use in the new tool
Efficient use is assured
- Tools are customised to meet your needs
- Calculations are automatic, outputs are both clear and flexible
- Instructions or user-training support effective use of the tool
⇒ Our best practice Excel tools enable you to complete regular tasks efficiently
⇒ They combine great functionality and customised outputs for effective use
A customised tool will make your life easier – and on a regular basis!
Contact us now to arrange a free, short, no obligation call
to discuss your needs. » contact
What our clients say
Barbara Stokar
Head of Aesthetics business unit, Switzerland
Galderma SA - pharma / skin-care
When setting sales prices for customers, it is essential for us to be aware of profitability. Knott Consulting developed an Excel tool which enables us to simulate sales volumes and prices for each customer and shows us the gross margin. This is great as we now have a clear understanding of profitability.
The service convinced me with the excellent accessibility of Knott Consulting and the understanding and individual approach to my needs. For my next request I will ask Knott Consulting again.
Dr. Tanja Gluding
HR Director
CELLS Group - real estate management
Knott Consulting's services are always oriented towards the relevant topic and the requirements of the user. For example, Excel tool for job applicant management or budget control are easy to handle and relevant KPIs are visible at a glance.